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Sunday, August 20, 2017

The Flood: A Business


Indian Government, State, Mafia, Media and an unsolved Riddle of the Flood: A Business

Half of India today is in the grip of a demon called flood, the biggest disaster that gallops thousands of Indian every year without offering a solution. Some seventy fruitless rainy seasons after independence has passed in the hope of getting a settlement to the unsolved enigma. But, the hope remains a desperate hope for the denizens of flood-affected states, if not area. Thousands of suggestions are offered to define the seriousness of the problems. Geographically, everyone knows what are reasons of the flood, and how these identified. So, the repeated discussions are unnecessary as it would be better to read the NCERT Geography.

Most of the times, the problem called flood has been misunderstood, misapplied, and sometimes even misappropriated by the corporate media houses, that are just helping hand of authority or to say of the powerful. The columns of newspapers are full of the existing difficulties faced by the ordinary people, who sometimes have to pay his/her life and sometimes even family. To give a perpendicular resistance to the flood, the government had done nothing in past, is doing nothing today and also will do nothing in the future, except offering a grant to the state. If one excavates the real truth behind the matter, then in this nothing is “everything.” In fact, the flood is a big business of three-fold dimensions: first Government aids, sand mafia, and exploitation of the natural resources. Except the first, the rest are constitutionally illegal yet profitable and are even un-taxable. Problems of the citizens living in the flood-affected are, if scrutinized, are the business for others. Let us expose the truth behind the perennial flood, one by one.

I will begin my orientation with sand mining or mafia and not by the government fund. Approved by the geographical society of India, the rivers are a harbinger of the flood and the media focussed only on this half statement. But, they also said that it brings uncounted tons of sand with them, and this remaining half statement is left unsaid. If the Geography department is right then this sand is illegally mined by the mafias in the distinct states. The muscle power behind them is so strong that the common man, officers and even the bureaucrats afraid of taking a strict action against them. Everything is done with the help of Bahubalis that are now part of political systems—I will not go deep in this question and advise the readers to go and watch the movie Gangs of Wasseypur.

To answer the question, “Why there is illegal sand mining,” I would say, India is transforming into a concrete city which is nearly impossible without sand that is unofficially in the hands of the mafia. If government blocked the flood water, then there will be no sand which means the end of the illegal business which also become a hurdle in the progress of our country. In other words, for the profit, the mafia only are sacrificing the lives of thousands, if not the millions. Saying in simple words, the mafia becomes active after the flood to share the profit out of trillions of the tone of sands that the river brought with it. The media coverage of famous cities and the problems faced by the citizens are nothing but the distraction from the main point of the mafia and illegal mining.

The second reason is that most of the flood prone areas are protected areas that are situated around the national reserves, biosphere, national parks, and sanctuary and so on. These areas are protected for the wild-life, birds, and animals such as tigers, rhinos, deer, and some nearly extinct or endangered spices. The government too want it clear to save these animals that are on the verge of extinct. Hence, the flood is used as an invisible weapon and people considered it their fate, not propaganda against them. If the fear of flood is eliminated, then it would invite the population growth that inevitably will demand rights, a school for education, employments and so one. If such happens then, the government and the private corporate sectors will exploit fewer natural resources from these reserves due to the pressure of population density. In one line, if the population rapidly grows, the natural resources would automatically be less as they would be destroyed by the population to secure their daily needs.

To elaborate the above two points, the corruption and Mafia are the subjects of Gangs of Wasseypur. If the movie has one percent truth, then it would be difficult to deny the existence of illegal mafia and mining as well. The violence shown in the film would become “related to real-life problems” which needed concern, a big concern. The government would do nothing because there are so many bahubalis who also get their share, small or big does not matter. Even if someone complains, then the accused is left after paying some bribe. It is the way black money is made under the nose of government, or to say, with the help of government. The reason is socio-political as well as moral corruption which is due to lack of education—who knows which type of education I am talking.

There comes the first option of Governmental Aid in the form of funds. One could question whether or not the government too is corrupt, in a moral sense only. After the flood hits, the central governments allocated funds to the disaster prone area. Regarding the funds, one of India’s former Prime Minister said that only one out of ten rupees reached to the masses. If there is the truth, then the fund too is also divided among the corrupts (I think you know better). If the state government with this fund make a bridge or a small stream that flows in a different direction, it will cost around one governmental aid, if necessary then two. But from last seventy years, the state governments and its officers are misusing this support.

These three factors altogether are synonymous with each other for the flood. The business of flood is more a profit and less a disaster. The central government needs resources which a state reserve, hence it never questions. The state governments need extra funds, so it is going to do nothing except demanding more money to meet the needs of the people. Mafia is doing illegal business that is why media is misguiding only by showing the area around a big city. In addition to this Media mount pressure on the central government by showing the picture of city-related disaster. It criticised state government for not improving the flood-related condition and even the relief to the people.

This business is like “dodo bird verdict” from a Victorian book Alice in Wonderland in which all players are “winners, ” and no one is a loser. The central government gives relief funds only to be the owner of reserves which are allocated by the concerned ministry to the private sectors. Mafia gets untaxable income through this business, and the progressive cities get sands for the multi-storied buildings. The state government receives funds, and affected people receive aid in the name of the food, water, and so on. And finally, the media promotes everything, and with it, media gets viewers and advertisement. Flood is not one side, or side but three, or to say many-sided business for all like corporate, media, the government of state and center, leaders, bureaucrats, and even mafia (think in your mind is anyone left).

All are victim of the moral crimes, but the biggest fault is Media that is manufacturing the consent of people by spreading the misinformation and by hiding the real information. To be clear, the Indian media is not showing accurate news for its principal aim is to earn money or to do business, which enabled it the title of “corporate media.” I am using a famous line from the novel The Great Gatsby to end it, “one thing is sure, nothing is surer. Meanwhile, in between the time, the rich get richer, and the poor get—children.” I think my readers are confused by the ending. By the quotation, I mean that the government will do nothing to promote the idea of progress in your area.

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